9.4.2009 | 01:13
To all None Catholics, 39, 000 new age Anti Christianities, Do you know who founded your church?
Be aware of all those new age man made Protestant ,39,000 (2007)Anti -Christianities around the world,who promote hate and all they want you to do is to hate Catholics. Because those new age Christianities are made by men alone and even though they claim that they follow Jesus, they follow their cult leaders who steal and get rich have wives abuse their own children and worship their sinful ordinary pastors in their fake cult Churches. Be awarded of those fake heresies and fake deadly anti-Christianities churches around because they re invented Bible and they worship Satans.Because of them so many people have turned their backs against true Christianity today, because of them the Christianity have got bad reputaiotns in US in Europe and around the world today.
Flokkur: Trśmįl og sišferši | Breytt 14.4.2009 kl. 11:40 | Facebook
Sęll Tómas, ég skrifaši grein žar sem ég svara žessu myndbandi, sjį: Var Kažólska kirkjan stofnuš af Kristi sjįlfum?
Mofi, 13.4.2009 kl. 11:40
Ja hun er stofnuš a Jesu
Tómas, 14.4.2009 kl. 01:44
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.