The Truth About the Catholic Church and Mary

Worship- "show devotion to a deity (Word Web"

Proskuneo- Greek for worship of God

Luke 1:48: "From now on all generations will call me (Mary) blessed."

1. The Catholic Church does not believe Mary is God

2. Catholic actions towards Mary cannot be called "worship"

3. The action of Worshiping holds that the subject being worshiped is God

4. Catholics simply offer praise to Mary

5. Praise to Mary is justified in the Gospel of Luke

6. "The Hail Mary" is simply a prayer of praise derived from the Bible

7. Catholics do not worship Mary, yet only praise her

8. Mary is asked, along with others on earth, to "pray for us"

9. The Rosary is simply a prayer rope used for organized prayer and meditation (also, its Mysteries are 90% dedicated to Jesus and only 10% to Mary)


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